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The Functional Family
By Michael Chessen
The actions of our patriarch Jacob, as detailed over roughly the
half of the book of Genesis, have been both wondrous and often difficult
fully fathom. In Genesis' closing reading of Vayechi, Jacob confers
blessings upon the heads of what will from this point now become the
tribes of Israel. While this moment is probably Jacob's (or Israel's)
"holiest" of his life, leaving us with not only blessings but much
as well, at least on the surface of things, we nevertheless have to
somewhat at the manner in which Jacob proceeds.
In seeming to leave his first three sons not with a blessing but
with a rebuke for past actions, the dying patriarch appears to
be "sowing seeds of discontent" not unlike those sown by Isaac in
Jacob at Esau's apparent expense. Were we to dismiss this explanation as
superficial, we would seem to be left hard pressed to explain our Rashi
commentary, consistently our most immediate resource for understanding
Torah's "plain" meaning, which here, as a prelude to Judah's blessing,
Jacob needing to first allay Judah's concerns before he flees from what
initially appears not to be a session for receiving blessings, but for
settling old accounts.
However, upon closer examination of both Jacob's words and their
accompanying Rashi commentary, we find that the elder brothers were
as personally rebuked as they appear to be, and more importantly, nor
they excluded from the blessings. In recalling Shimon and Levi's
slaughter of the people of Shchem, Jacob curses not his sons, but only
their anger.
Upon Jacob's concluding the blessing of the twelfth and final
the Torah then states that Jacob "blessed every one according to his
blessing he blessed 'them'."(Genesis 49:28). The use of the pronoun
closing Genesis actually harkens us back to the opening of Genesis,
God also blessed "them", here, man and woman before Eve had even come
existence. The parallel between these two collective and inclusive
blessings would be that just as a man is also endowed with "feminine"
characteristics such as the capacity to nurture and a woman also endowed
with "masculine" characteristics such as the capacity to hunt, so do
Israel's twelve tribes, while each excelling in one or more given
spiritual or productive dimension, also reflect all of the various
different capacities which have been attributed to each of their
May we all as individuals ever strive to strengthen our individual
talents and abilities in order to complete and beautify that mosaic
is the family of the Jewish people.
Wishing you all a Shabbat Shalom !
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