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The Jewish Magazine brings the best in Jewish authors on Israel, Judaism, and Jewish interest.
    Issue Number 137 High Holiday Issue         Beginning our Thirteenth Year on the Web September 2009      
The Jewish Magazine brings the best in Jewish authors on Israel, Judaism, and Jewish interest.
Jewish Magazine - best in Jewish authors, Israel, Judaism, & Jewish interest






The Jewish Magazine is a free monthly review of all things Jewish. This month we are featuring articles about the High Holydays both new and also from our archives. The Jewish Magazine is always free, always entertaining, but it does cost time and money to produce it on a monthly basis. each month. Please, if you enjoy reading it, show your support by making a small donation. In this manner you will enable us to keep us continuing the unique and responsible message that Judaism has something for everyone.

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The Jewish Magazine brings the best in Jewish authors on Israel, Judaism, and Jewish interest.

  Rosh HaShannah:

Quick Guide for the Jewish Month of Tishre 5770,

Concerning Rosh Hashanah: When was the world really created?

Being on Rosh HaShanah

By-pass heart surgery was scheduled a week before Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashanah Guide

Songs for the Jewish Holy Days and free MP3

Have a Sweet Year with Chocolate

This Rosh Hashanah, Be Safe and Go to Shul!

Soccer Moms: A Story for the Holy Days

Jewish Astrological Horoscope for 5770

Elul: Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur Near

In Ellul We Prepare for Rosh HaShannah

Contemplations for Rosh HaShannah, Yom Kippur and Life

Elul, Month of Opportunity,

The Shofar on Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashannah - New Choices, New Hope

G-d Did NOT Create the World on Rosh HaShannah,

Selichot, Preparing for the Holidays

Hide & Seek on the High Holidays

The Relationship between Rosh Hashana Yom Kippur & Succot

Rosh Hashannah - Creation & Re-Creation

Honey Cake - the Rosh Hashana Experience

T'shuva and the Baal Teshuva - are they related?

Jewish Story for Rosh HaShannah

How did God Create the World?

God, God, twice on Elul

Rosh Hashannah: The Cycle of Life

Rosh Hashanah: Is your Spiritual Portfolio in

The Jewish Month of Elul and Rosh Hashanah

The Missing Shofar A Story

Elul - Preparing for Rosh Hashanah

the Flute & the High Holidays

Rosh Hashanah

The Jewish Month of Elul

Elul - Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur

Slichot - Preparing for Rosh Hashanah

A Story for Rosh Hashannah

About Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur

Elul & the Shofar


The Essence of Rosh Hashanah &Yom Kippur

Food, Symbolism & Signs for Rosh Hashanah

Elul, Time to Renew an Old Romance

Prayer Without Distraction, Is it Possible?

Rosh Hashanah Story - Two Candiddates to Paradise

Repentance, Prayer and Charity & the High Holydays

Rosh HaShannah, Yom Kippur, and Succot



  A Few Handy Recipes

Honey Cake - the Rosh Hashana Experience

Chicken Soup w/Matza Balls

Potato Kugel



The Jewish Magazine brings the best in Jewish authors on Israel, Judaism, and Jewish interest.

  Yom Kippur:

Humor for Yom Kippur

Atonement and the Day of Atonement

It’s Not Enough to Say “I’m Sorry” – On Yom Kippur,

A Yom Kippur Poem: "God of My Father"

Yom Kippur under my Father's Tallit

A Yom Kippur Baseball Story

A Jewish Story - Kol Nidre Vows

Rosh HaShannah, Yom Kippur, and Succot

Yom Kippur Kol Nidre Prayer with MP3

T'shuva and the Baal Teshuva - are they related?

Tashlich in the River Dulce

Yom Kippur and Free Choice

Yom Kippur is about being Human

Two Happiest Days for Jews are the Fifteenth of Av and Yom Kippur

The Goat - Yom Kippur's Star

Hide & Seek on the High Holidays

the Kapparot Ceremony

The Relationship between Rosh Hashana Yom Kippur & Succot

Yom Kippur Judgement

Yom Kippur & the Rewards of Modesty

Don't Go Slowly on Yom Kippur

Elul - Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur

Traditions of Yom Kippur

About Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur

A Cantonist's Yom Kippur Prayer

Yom Kippur Blues


Yom Kippur is all about love and forgiveness

The Shofar of Yom Kippur During British Mandatory in Eretz Yisrael



  Sukkot and Simchat Torah:

How to Achieve Happiness on Simchat Torah (even if you are depressed)

Simchat Torah - What is in a Name?

The Succoth and Guests

Enhancing Sprituality with the Succah

Why Two Days of Yom Tov?

The Polymorphic Pluralistic Succah

God's Sukkah is Safe

Jewish Belief

the Meaning of Simchat Torah

Spiritual Significance of the Succoth

The Relationship between Rosh Hashana Yom Kippur & Succot

Mystical Secret of the Succoth

I am a Succah Wall

Traditions of Sukkot

Sukkah - the Season of Our Joy

A Mystical Succot Experience

Experiencing Succoth

The Essential and Existential Succah

Lulav and Etrogs and other things

Simchat Torah, the Conclusion of the High Holidays

The Meaning of the Succoth

Always B'Simcha even after Simchat Torah

The Jewish Magazine brings the best in Jewish authors on Israel, Judaism, and Jewish interest.

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